2011 CoroCoro Limited Prize Bey - Hell Kerbecs BD145DS Inferno Version.
This Red and Black Version of the original Hell Kerbecs comes as a 'Send In Coupon Lucky Draw' Prize in Japan. Only 100 Winners are available to get their hands on this limited bey.
But a few months later, the same Limited Bey was given out as a DVD Premium in Hong Kong, making its limited value drop.
Contents Include:
Kerbecs FaceBolt (Black/Gold)
Kerbecs Clear Wheel (Clear Red)
Hell Metal Wheel (Metallic Black)
Boost Disk 145 Track (Clear Red)
Defence Sharp Bottom (Clear Red)
One of the main reasons beside the nice color finish this Bey was well recieved even after the HK DVD version came about, it because of its higher weight Metal Wheel.
The Normal version (unpainted) weighs around 39.44grams
The Gold original version weighs around 40.60grams
The Metallic Black Inferno version weighs at 40.75grams
no doubt its only a 0.15grams difference, i guess every bit counts when it comes to weight composing.
Overall the Hell Kerbecs BD145DS Inferno Version is a collectors must have if you are a Hell Kerbecs fan (like I am). Either than that, the MW is slightly heavier and the CW, Track and Bottom comes in a cool Clear Red color. So get your HK DVD version (which is already out). If you couldn't get the Japan limited version ya.
Hi, do you still have this?