CoroCoro Comic July 2011 issue.
This month's issue has not much coverage on Beyblades on the front cover. For those who are buying you might want to take note of the small image of the new bey "Variares" on the top of the book cover. (silver in color) to avoid buying the wrong issue.
On the cover itself is a summary of the previously reviewed "BB-113 Scythe Khronos T125EDS". But another additional information about the 4D Metal Wheel system was added. Apparently the 'Free-spinning' PC ring of the MW is able to change modes! The Free Spin mode is for Stamina and when the PC ring is flipped over, it becomes Fixed and with that it changes to Attack mode~ woooh.
Beside page is the review of the new LR Spinning Beyblade Variares Delta Drive!
"God that Rules the 3 Fate! The birth of Variares D:D!!!" O_O|||
Also mentioned that it is the 2nd LR spinning bey after Gravity Perseus AD145WD.
New Light Launcher LR!
Looks pretty cool i might say, but i still think it will be as difficult to use as the existing Light Launcher 2.
The new LR Light Launcher uses a 'Switch" system where the user must manually change the "Bey Clip" from Right to Left by swapping it around. After just toggle the "LR slot lock switch" and feed the Ripcord in the respective slot.
The next page reviews about All the Gimmick of Variares!
A One Piece Metal Wheel 4D System.
Yes, Variares MW is a one of a kind 1 piece MW system with in-built gimmick within itself.
The MW automatically changes modes during a battle. From Attack/Counter to Defence/Stamina!
At Full Velocity, the Variares MW only reveals it Full Metal body, and due to its Irregular shape able to fully deliver a strong Attack. When the Spin Ratio goes low, the MW changes mode and the Defence 'Wings' will deploy, completing a Full Defence shield!
The other gimmick of the Variares would have to be its Delta Drive Fusion Track/Bottom!
For those familar with the old series "plastic Gen" beys, should find this 4D Fusion Track/Bottom very familiar ya. Yes, it is exactly the same as the Old Gen Dranzer's Triple Type Bottom.
As simple as it sounds the D:D can change between mode Manually. User can choose between 3 bottom modes. Flat, Wide Ball or Sharp. the review also mentioned that Variares is also the Bey with the most amount of possible Modes. With 2 directions LR, 2 Metal Wheel modes and 3 Bottom Modes it has a total of 12 different combinations!!!
Mori Thoughts:
My feel for Variares D:D isn't as strong thou, the manual switching bottom will sure have its problem. With the bey battles being to Strong and Impactful, the D:D is bound to switch Prematurely causing instant 'death' to the bey. The Variares MW having such a hefty gimmicked interior is bound to be "hollow", and in the rule of MW, Hollow means high Recoil. I am not sure the Variares is heavy enough to withstand Recoils from Bosses like Basalt and Big Bang. Well, it will take some testing to find out ya~
The next page features some Blader DJ bey combis that might be seen in the upcoming WHF. (Beat Leona TH170EDS, Big Bang Kerbecs 90RF and Scythe Cancer 230WD) in addition, Variares D:D will also be pre-released there first hand during the event.
Event Exclusives include "Variares Printed FaceBolt" and "Fang Leone Deep Blue Version" (CW/MW)
The last page features a mini review of the NEW Remote Control Bey~!
Apparently, Big Bang and Destroy are the first 2 RC beys to be released. The RC beys are basically normal CW and MW fitted on a new RC fusion Track/Bottom.
Bladers are then able to RC your Bey after a Launch to perform mannuvers only seen in the Animations with a handheld Launcher Controller!
(Direction Change, Boost, Drive, Turbo...)
I think it will be quite cool to play, can't wait for its release in July!
And finally a scoop on the 2 new coming beys~ Jade Jupiter and Shin Unicorno! They will be featured in the next CoroCoro August Issue.
iam going to bencoollenn hotel in singapore on tuesday or monday and iam willing to go to Dolzz inc. and can you tell me the beyblade that are on stock in dollz inc?thx